About Us
Unmet contraceptive need is evident in high rates of unintended pregnancy, discontinuation, and dissatisfaction, even in populations with greater access to contraceptives.
The historical under funding of women’s health research means product developers are working from a deficit of knowledge. We need more funding in basic research. Due to low funding, there is little action among providers, researchers, and the public in changing the status quo.
Since the mid 1980's, R&D has largely focused on line-extensions and delivery of the dominant approach – hormonal methods.
There are high innovation hurdles – contraceptives need high efficacy, minimal side effects, litigation is common in this area, and reimbursement can be challenging.
NewGen will focus on ensuring that the needs and perspectives of women+ help shape a new generation of contraceptive options. New contraceptive products should reflect the needs of those populations whose voices have not been sufficiently heard and needs are most pressing.
Our Vision & Mission
We envision a future with contraceptive options that fit with who we are and where we are in our lives.
It’s necessary – it’s important – It’s possible.
We are working towards a new generation of contraceptive options for women+.

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